Agenda for AGM on 21st March 2016 at 7:30pm

Don’t forget: the band AGM on 21st March 2016 at 7:30pm at the band room. Everyones invited!

The Agenda has been produced for the upcoming AGM (attached as a word document here). For those without a Word document viewer, download the PDF here, or continue viewing below.


  1. Apologies for Absence
  2. Election of Officers
    2.1       President
    2.2       Vice President
    2.3       Chair
    2.4       Vice Chair
    2.5       Treasurer
    2.6       2 Assistant Treasurers
    2.7       Minutes Secretary
    2.8       Programme Secretary
    2.9       Band Sargent Tutors
    2.10    2 Publicity Reps
    2.11    Librarian
    2.12    Assistant Librarian
    2.13    Instrument Officer
    2.14    Uniform Officer
  3. Election of Musical Directors
    3.1       Musical Director
    3.2       Assistant Musical Director 
  4. Minutes from Previous AGM – 14th April 2015
  5. Matters Arising
  6. Dove Holes Band Constitution
  7. Dove Holes Band Code of Conduct
  8. Job Descriptions
  9. Finance Report
  10. Engagements
  11. Fundraising
  12. Any Other Business